Vancouver's Parks Board is considering a proposal to create a committee to discuss the possibility of making gender-neutral washrooms a reality in all of their facilities. It would be an incredibly awesome thing to do, and while we're really just at the consulting page, I'm really excited that it's even on the table. And I know some awesome people
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I have lots to post, about my parents' visit and our roadtrip to Alberta, and Joss Whedon and probably a dozen other things if I'm basing myself on the tabs I currently have open in Firefox. I don't have time for that right now, but I did want to take the time to post in a timely manner about the trial of CeCe McDonald, a young black trans woman
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I really feel like I haven't given the Occupy movement enough attention here or even in life. Probably most of you will have read or seen the video of what happened at UC Davis with non-violent student protestors getting pepper-sprayed - this photo (and other versions of it) has been circulated around a lot, and you can see a video of the whole
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Aaaand a few links that have nothing to do with each other but they do have to do with what's on my mind these days! I'm a little frustrated that I'm not finding the time to comment on some of these really important things that are happening, but I'm still trying to balance everything in my life. :/
I forgot yesterday that I had a bunch of French links I wanted to share!
First the website Vie de meuf; reading it is a great, unwelcome reminder of the kind of sexist crap that women still have to hear every day. A recent post about porn made me think that I would disagree on some things with the feminists who maintain the website, but it's a
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Sun is finally out. Probably only for a couple of days, but considering we had hail yesterday, I'll take even temporary nice weather! It's basically been February here since, well, February, and we're all really, really tired of it
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Instead of getting angry about nuclear power and ranting at all of you guys, for once, I'm just going to link to a note (in French) by Dominique Voynet that's particularly articulate, I think.
I've been accumulating links in my tabs again, so it's time to share. :) But first, since I'm going to re-post a bunch of links that zombie-process posted, I'd like to direct you to the original post first.
I have a new apartment! Very excited about that, will update with more soon. But first I've let too much time go by again and I want to share a bunch of links. Today on the list: DADT ends! Dan Savage's readers are idiots! Shocking news: people with disabilities are the ones who know what's the best for them! La France se rend compte que la
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